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The forced installation of prepaid water metres in Stretford, Extension 4, Orange Farm, Johannesburg - South Africa


a report by Public Citizen (USA),
the Anti-Privatisation Forum (South Africa) and the Coalition Against Water Privatisation (South Africa)


Contributing authors:
Maj Fiil-Flynn and Prishani Naidoo


‘Nothing in life is free’, ‘There’s nothing for mahala’, are stock phrases given by state bureaucrats and managers of private corporations these days when they are reminded of the commitments in our constitution to the provision of free, basic services for all South Africans. In the years following the first democratic elections in South Africa, the African National Congress’ commitment to offering free basic services has changed to fully embrace policies of privatisation and cost recovery, championed by the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund. These policies act in the interests of transnational corporations wanting to increase their profits by turning scarce natural resources into money-making opportunities. While just a few years ago, the majority of township residents were mobilised against the payment for basic services, making the call for free water, electricity and housing for all, the stock phrases quoted above indicate
how entrenched the logic of the market and making profit has become in the minds of powerful people.



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